New Beginnings in 2023

silhouette trees under purple galaxy

Now that the boxes and bows, ribbons and stockings, decorations and lights are in storage, and the New Year has come and gone, bringing an unseasonable warmth, our household is feeling a little off-kilter. The holiday is over for another year, and the camaraderie and communal joy the season creates seems to have dissipated. Focus is already on to the ‘what’s next’?

2023 is already a year of change. My oldest is a full-time student, my middle child is training to be an EMT, and my youngest is finishing his first year of high school. Tax season is around the corner, so my husband has the blues in a big way. He is understandably expecting the long hours and crush to get everything filed by the bewitching hour set by the IRS.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s next for me. I released two books, started a publishing imprint of my own, taught myself marketing and advertising with the help of every free course I could find, networked and learned the ins and outs of social media (don’t be fooled, I’m no expert). Keep in mind that all of this was while working full time at my day job, going through a merger that resulted in my job duties changing several times, dealing with six weeks of battling COVID and the aftereffects, and holding down the fort at home since I am here 24/7.

I tell you all of this to remind myself that 2022 was a pretty busy year for me and it’s no wonder I was exhausted by the end. The funny thing is, I still feel like I’m just getting started and I’m ready for bigger things in 2023. Guess what’s in the works?

An author friend and I are going to learn the ins and outs of recording and releasing our books in audio format. Another author friend and I are looking at book-signing events we can attend together since our states are neighbors. I have a standalone romance in the first draft format that might be ready in early spring if all goes well. My goal is to release one more standalone and the third in the True McLaren series. I would also love to do a holiday special or two in novella form.

So there you have it… big plans for 2023. I can’t wait to share this exciting new year with all of you. From my family to yours, let your 2023 be full of love, friends, family, and hope.