Wishing on the Full Moon

full moon

Have you ever heard of wishing on a full moon? In my novel True Beginnings, Dante asks True to wish on a moon. Of course, she thinks he’s making the whole thing up to tease her. I don’t want to give away the Hottie’s reason for having her wish, but it will make you go “aw” in that way you do when someone does something incredibly mush-worthy in a romance novel. Dante is a romantic (and he speaks Italian) who thinks of the little things most people don’t.

Did you know many spiritualists encourage wishing on a full moon because it is one of the two most powerful days to make your desires come true within a month? The other is during the new moon phase. If you write your request on a paper and release it to the moon, or visualize the thing you most want and send it to the moon, it is the equivalent of releasing it to the universe. Wish releasing is a way of visualizing what you want to make it a reality and it can be a serious pastime. Some people even keep a wish journal to keep track of what they’ve asked for.

Oh, and if you want to give your request an extra opmph, repeat the same wish on both the days of new moon and the days of the full moon. Happy wishing.