True McLaren Series- The Extras

Need more of Jake and Serafina? Read Tiramisu, and find out what happened after they left True and Dante’s house. Where there is smoke there is fire indeed. You can’t get this scene anywhere else. Choose your device to get your free copy!

True McLaren Series- The Extras

Love to cook? Just curious? Want to try something new for your partner? How about a main course of Coq au Vin, a classic French chicken dish. Then, for dessert, add a little romance to your evening with the famous McLaren Irish Whiskey Cake that’s been passed down through the family line. It’s topped with a light and fluffy Whiskey Whipped Cream. Can’t miss with any these favorites. Click on the links above to get your free recipes.

black framed glass window with heart draw

True McLaren Series- The Extras

Want some inside info on True McLaren? Check out her Confidential Dossier for all the little details.

white steel window

True McLaren Series- The Extras

Everyone is asking about Dante Sandro Parisi. Want to know more about him? Check out his Confidential Dossier and learn what he’s like behind that dimple.

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